It is accepted to name the Punk rock of 60th years «garage fate». He has appeared in the USA in 1964 where under impression Beatles and Rolling Stones there was a large quantity of local ensembles. That they played, considerably varied depending on regions, local musical traditions, but in осном it there was a mix of blues, white national motives with elements of homebrew music скиффл. Value of this event is difficult for overestimating — for the first time from the end of 50th years the American youth had "a" music. Respectable also it is made harmless good children of type of Bobbi Vi or Anka's Floor for whom firms грамзаписи have changed rebels-fates-n-rolshchikov on a boundary of 60th years, having been frightened, as though rock revolution hasn't gone too far, have been immediately forgotten. They have conceded the positions of idols of youth to a dashing pressure of the fresh energy, woken in young hearts spirit of freedom of thoughts and actions. After couple of years this powerful All-American movement was included into a rock music under the aforementioned name of "garage fate». Whence there was such strange name? All speaks very simply: amateur groups rehearsed basically in garages — more they simply had no place to disappear.« Garage »punks sang in the pleasure, didn't build mercantile plans and were known only among the relatives, friends and neighbors. Their creative searches answered inquiries not mass, but local audience (school, college, area). Among hundreds nonprofessional ensembles of those years two ten written down on studio at least one phonograph record will hardly probable be typed. But they have found self-expression in music, have felt possibility to be liberated from put by a society and parents закомплексованности, at least for a short while to become by itself and consequently put in products all collected the feelings, all soul. Today to judge« garage fate »it is possible only on few escaped records of those years. Nevertheless the era of pank groups of 60th years absolutely ignored by show business was short. It speaks fast growth of number of musical groups and expansion of borders of a rock music, transition to progressive fate, and also the searches of new styles developed just during this period and directions which have been predetermined by prompt progress in the field of the musical and sound recording technics. By the end of 1967 all pank groups in the USA either have broken up, or have appeared involved in other musical currents. Further, to the middle of 70th years of the current ideologically close to garage fate, didn't exist. However the aspiration to play a simple, aggressive rock music with elements of shocking didn't leave separate representatives of youth subculture, those to whom amateur бескомпромиссность garage fate has pleased. And grains of this style have appeared are generously scattered across all America. Shoots, truth, have appeared only in places: in New York, Chicago, Detroit where in second half 60th years there were groups MC5, Velvet Underground and Iggy Pop, the Stooges. The torch which lit «гаражниками» and has been carried by through 60 in 70 Iggi by the Priest, quite intelligent young men from New York pick up in 1973-1974. They gather in the evenings in two clubs — «CBGB» and «Max’s Kansas City». The punk became reaction «generations without the future» not only on hard living conditions and impossibility of full realization of spiritual forces, but simultaneously with it and potrebitelsko-petty-bourgeois essence on an intensification of political and information-technological processes. Very quickly he has turned to the protest-form, approaching for any collisions on any soil: ideological, social, musical. So, the background of a punk rock has ended. The second rock revolution on November, 6th, 1975 has begun. This day in London in College of arts of Sacred Martin the first public statement of ensemble with causing name Sex Pistols has taken place. The nonconformism of a rock'n'roll has already been forgotten for a long time. увязли in tons of electrotools and other equipment, their opuses in house conditions it was impossible to reproduce rock ensembles, as once songs Beatles or Rolling Stones. Rock musicians 70 of Yes, Genesis, Deep Purple, Leed Zeppeling, Pink Floyd have turned to businessmen and lived in private residences, drove about in limousines under protection of bodyguards. At them any more doesn't remain things in common with youth, 12-minute guitar solo or a disco-dances under a soundtrack had no relation to street teenagers or the young unemployed. To It the punk also has suggested to create the own alternative world of a rock music which doesn't demand tens thousand dollars on purchase of expensive equipment, doesn't need contracts with the solid sound recording companies, isn't interested in sale of plates in million circulations. Everything that is required to this amateur performance, — pair of cheap guitars yes shock installation: Everyone, possessing the minimum musical abilities (though also it is unessential), can organize ensemble under a roof of own house. The festival, last 20/21 of September, 1976 in the London club «100» became a mark in formation of the British punk rock. By this time leader Sex Pistols Johnny Lajdon already took to itself Johnny Rotten's pseudonym (English Rotten — rotted through) and number 1 »has turned in« the enemy of the public, becoming simultaneously the leader of "the lost generation». The best examples of business activity in pank movement are visible at a sight at his musical party. The Punk rock differs from standard fate ’ н ’ a beater not only a sound, the maintenance of songs and style of execution, but also how groups run the of business and communicate with public. In pank movement there is no cult of "rock stars", and the groups, wishing to receive great sums of money for the concerts and records, are constantly criticized and exposed. Such position goes back to occurrence of the punk when movement was small, and thought to earn many money for music seemed ridiculous, unrealizable dream. Members of groups didn't differ from public belief, frequently, skill. A group Punk rock «pushed other people to creation of own groups is was attempt to destroy a traditional barrier between the executor and public. Any could be a star, and anybody her wasn't!» . Everything that was necessary for pank group creation is an equipment and desire. Pank commands traditionally help suit each other concerts in other cities, to organize rounds, to let out records and etc. Here actually there is no competition, except for some groups, which regularly "are on sale" to receive more money and to involve more publics. Pank groups aspire to play concerts only with each other because have similar representations about cooperation and don't aspire to a competition that so is extended in musical business. The Dutch pank group The Ex gives the description of one of the usual concerts where there are no troubles concerning "the main" and "warming up" commands because each group is equally important. All come to the rescue each other if it is necessary to borrow equipment, and fairly distribute money. All it sounds very simply and naturally, but in rock culture such position seems something outstanding. That is why punks dislike the rock stars especially "alternative". Such alternative rock stars are groups or members of groups which once had the ideas close to the punk or which were punks. Their crime usually consists in transition from a small independent label on the large corporate sound recording company (CBS, EMI, Epic and etc.) to receive more money and fans. Many of these groups think that the purpose (attraction большей audiences) justifies means (transformation into a mejdzhor-label part). This thought is often rejected and condemned in the punk movement.
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