The typical fashion among many металлистов can be described so: the Typical belt металлистаДлинные hair at men the Leather jacket «косуха», a leather waistcoat. Black T-shirts or loose overalls with a logo of favourite metal group. Напульсники — leather bracelets with rivets and-or (flogging) thorns, шипастые, проклёпанные belts, chains on jeans. Stripes — Stripes on clothes and other surrounding subjects with images of favourite metal bands. Heavy footwear — "Camelots", «гриндерсы», «мартинсы», «стилы», "reptiles", usual high boots. Short boots with chains — "Cossacks". Shoes (as a rule, sharp-nosed, "Gothic" штиблеты). Jeans (usually dark blue or black), leather trousers. The chains fastening on a belt. Robert HelfordV of 80th years the fashion in the metal world was in many respects defined by popularity of glem-metal, that is in her there were many "color" things like white, «тигровых» and тп. Leather jackets, white кросовок, but in the late eighties the beginning 90 more "severe" extended until now was generated and finally practical, suitable for carrying «in a life» clothes by a principle «black джинса plus косуха». However the clothes aren't the basic attribute of representatives of the given subculture. Among admirers of heavy music it is a lot of those who is indifferent, ironic, and even negatively concerns "dress-code" accepted in a party, but thus is interested in directly musical component not less. Singer Rob Helford who in the end of 1978 at concerts of group Judas Priest began to put on in leather clothes with metal ornaments has entered the similar form of clothes English металлист. Recently even more often the various army camouflage began to get into clothes металлистов. Such things as camouflage army trousers and shorts which rush together with the black T-shirt having a logo of one of metal commands are especially favourite. But it is not necessary to confuse металлистов with риветами as the camouflage is a basic element of clothes of many индустриальщиков. As modern металлисты carry безпальцовки (leather gloves with the cut off fingers), it is frequent into gloves insert rivets or thorns. Gesture Characteristic gesture металлистов, known in Russia as "goat" — the fist thrown up upwards with the unclenched little finger and a forefinger and the directed party of a palm forward. Into use of rockers and металлистов "goat" was entered by singer Ronni Dio (Rainbow, Black Sabbath). Ронни his grandmother, the superstitious Italian has taught this gesture. On memories of Ronni, she put this sign if met gipsies and other suspicious people, and to the grandson обьясняла that it protects from «malocchio», "evil eye". In a classical, medieval variant of "goat" for protection against harm average, anonymous and a thumb were compressed together. Дио showed "goat" thus. Modern металлисты basically do gesture "incorrectly": the thumb doesn't nestle on another, and remains is exposed aside. Such gesture means «I Love You» in the American sign language. Металлисты in the USSR and Russia In 80-s' years of the XX-th century in Moscow, Leningrad and other big cities of the USSR there were first admirers of the foreign groups playing "metal" and carrying corresponding attributes. They tested on themselves pressure from militia, and also from representatives of informal movement люберов and another marginal хулиганствующей the youth, trying by means of fists to correct musical predilections металлистов. The Soviet official propagation negatively reacted to occurrence of the new subculture which have come from the West. Concerts passed illegally, music of foreign executors of "metal" didn't sound neither by radio, nor from television screens, records and on legal carriers didn't extend. Admirers brought граммпластики from abroad and duplicated them on recorder cartridges. In the same years in Moscow there were the first Soviet musical collectives playing "metal": "metal Corrosion", "Legion", "Э.С.Т." "Black coffee", "the Black obelisk", "Aria", "Master". The peak of a wave of a mass fashion on "metal" has had on second half 80ых years of the XX-th century. On the Moscow rock festival of the world in Luzniki in August, 1989 for the first time to Russia there have arrived the western groups, in particular, Motley Crue, Cinderella and Ozzy Osbourne. He has collected for 2 days more than 100 000 spectators, all income of festival (nearby $1 000 000) has been listed in Fund of struggle against a narcotism. In 1991 in Tushinsky airdrome in Moscow group Metallica for the first time has acted. The concert became event of year. MetallicaВ the XXI-st century beginning in Russia exist as "металлисты" various age - from mature to youth and children, and group playing this style. By results of poll of 1000 teenagers spent in 2007, 5 percent from them have answered that listen to "metal" and other rock music of heavy directions for stress removal.
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