Freedom and force
All bikers know that such «косуха», but not all know whence she undertook and why. In 50-s' years, during the amerikansko-Korean war, pilots of planes carried кожанные jackets because the plane was strongly thought over and was very cold and is windy:) . Then she, of course, wasn't called косухой. The name most likely has gone from the form of a snake which is clasped from the left hip to the right shoulder — obliquely. After war many pilots, people thirsting скорост ии freedom, have changed on the baizes at that time popular in America Harley Davidson. At that time косуха also became a symbol байкерского movements, his integral part. In due course to a jacket сталди to attach any club symbolics, thorns and т.д … In results we have received modern косуху. On сегоднящний day exist косухи not only байкерские, but also for all comers who wants выглядить stylishly and beautifully, for children and women. There is a great lot various косух, the most various breed and color, as it is known косуха has traditional black color, but you can find any another with ease. Косуха differs a considerable quantity a pocket that happens it is very practical and it is useful. Bajkersky trousers, бандана it is excellent соичетаются with косухой. On сегоднящний day косуха is something more than simply jacket. It is a symbol of freedom and speed, confidence and force. Any in косухе will feel itself(himself) more strongly and more confidently.
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